Hi, I am Muffin and the Official RePawter at The RSPCA Million Paws walk for IdPet.
My friends and I made plans to meet near the starting line. I was really happy to meet them when I got there. They were drinking water, resting and getting ready for the walk! Some were even warming up!
At about 9.50a.m, we made our way to the starting line 3…2…1 *GO*
I was so excited and I saw a super duper tall dog! He even picked me up, how sweet of him!
I saw dogs in strollers...How lucky! Mum, why don’t I have a stroller? I will definitely have to get me one for when I am too tired to walk.
Honey is my bestest girlfriend and my pawtner in rePAWting for IdPet. It was so nice to do this walk with her and support the RSPCA at the same time.
I thought it was a dog event but so many swans joined us too. I meet a particular friendly swan she said her name was Margaret and that she was so happy to see so many cute dogs at her lake.
He was whispering to me about how hungry he was. I told him I was a little hungry too. It was time for a Pit stop for some water and snacks.
A dog called Max saw my pink neckerchief and I told him that I am was rePawting for IdPet so I took his photo he stood so still until he spotted the swans and ducks that's when he hi tailed it straight to the lake to chase and of course just had to follow him, once Mum got me away I continued on my walk where I met plenty of dogs of all shapes and sizes.
Pit stop. I really needed water and some shade It was then that I met Winston and his friend! He told me how much he was enjoying the walk as It was such lovely weather and he keeps getting lots of attention from the girls.
And to top it off guess what I had right before the finishing line??
DOGGIE ICE CREAM – I got the strawberry ice cream. YUM
well that was it. We were done!! I was pretty proud of myself.
I stopped by the IdPet stand to chat to Max the Ceo and got a few more selfies with more BIGGER DOGS and then it was time to go home. My tired paws needed a rest.
Woof out, all! It was a pawriffic day!!

Signing out
To see more of Muffin you can visit her Instagram page here
Thanks to the great people at #Uber, my humans and I got to Albert Park bright and early at 8.45am without having to worry about parking or catching the tram. I could sniff everyone’s excitement from miles away, and bolted across the field, desperately to get straight into the action.
I stopped by the IdPet stand after my humans got their entry stickers, and the lovely Kat and handsome Max were already busy speaking to other MPW paw-ticipants and their humans. With my trusty IdPet microphone in hand and I was ready to explore.
I visited each stand and gave morning kisses to plenty of people. My humans collected plenty of freebies for me, including delicious treats, yummy kibble and even a delicious nutritious gravy that I cannot wait to try.
Just before I met up with my fellow paw-ticipants from Team Instapups, I decided to loosen my muscles and prep myself for the big walk with a relaxing puppy massage from NexGard.
It was magical!
This was my first puppy massage and I just laid there enjoying every second of it – and when my 10 minutes was up, I certainly did not want to leave.
But alas, there were bigger adventures ahead of me and my little paws were ready!
Off we go!
Together with my Team Instapups furry buddies , we dashed towards the starting line, and I stopped along the way to say Hi to some really cute new friends.
I also got to meet a gorgeous mother-and-daughter Dogue de Bordeaux duo and their human told me that she had rescued them from a puppy farm. I am so glad they’re now happy in their forever home, and even get to enjoy the sunshine on this glorious Sunday morning.
I was also so excited to be walking around Albert Park, because that’s my puppy obedience training ground as well. When we passed by my favourite playground, I could stop myself and had to have a climb.
A very fluffy golden retriever joined me in tackling the slopey planks, and we both had a little ‘hello’ sniff at the top of the planks.
I was starting to pant under the beautiful weekend sun, but came across a group of Chow Chows who were already ready to take a break just 15 minutes into the walk! I don’t blame them though – with those glorious thick tri-layer coats, I would be demanding my humans to carry around a fan for me!
My little feet continued to pound the pavements, and my fellow IdPet rePAWter Muffin and I stopped for a happy snap by Albert Park Lake. Muffin was such a great walker, and happily walked the whole way.
My little feet continued to pound the pavements, and my fellow IdPet rePAWter Muffin and I stopped for a happy snap by Albert Park Lake. Muffin was such a great walker, and happily walked the whole way.
Admittedly, I got a little tired after 3 kilometres, but thankfully my Daddy was nice enough to carry me while I took a little breather. It was a great place to take in the view, and to watch all the hundreds of doggy friends make their way around the lake with me. Phew – its hard work for sure!
Muffin and I passed by a cute lake-side shack, and to our delight, they sold doggy-friendly ice cream cones! Hmmm… we could decide if we wanted strawberry or green tea flavour, so of course, we got our humans to buy both! Having found a comfy table and seats (for the two of us of course, the humans had to stand!), we gobbled our icy treats!
With only 800m ahead of us, Muffin and I knew the finish line was close, and with our new found energy (thank you sugar rush!), we rushed to the finish line. As we stand in front of the finish line banner and grinned with pride, Muffin and I high-fived one another, and felt so chuffed that we had completed our first ever Million Paws Walk! *
Onto the next year… and I promise I will walk the entire path the next time round when my legs have grown longer and stronger!
With lots of kisses,
Honey Cavoodle
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